My daughter love the Pocahontas movie. When we are on long car tips and she is trapped in her car seat she watches it on a portable DVD player strapped to the headrest. She knows every word and even likes to re-enact it with Barbie dolls when she is playing with us at home. If you haven't seen it I'm going to ruin it for you, its past the spoiler limit anyway.
One of the major themes in the plot and songs throughout is: We shouldn't hate one another just because one is "white or copper-skinned". Most of the Native Americans and English in the show think the other group is a bunch of ignorant savages and think they are evil because they are different. Blah-blah, they change their minds thanks to Pocahontas and Disney plays fast and loose with the real story.
Another this my daughter seems to like it 80's music. She asks me to play a particular Dead or Alive song almost daily. After that I play some others to see what she likes. Dance and pop seems to be the thing. One of the songs that caught her attention was People are People by Depeche Mode. She immediately got very excited and said "Daddy, Daddy that's like a Pocahontas song!" Well it took me a minute or so to figure out what she meant. It didn't sound like any of the songs in the movie, they are all much more sedated. What she identified was the theme fighting people because they are different is bad.
I know we all underestimate children's intelligence and thinking skills. Assuming that ignorance of things in the world compounded with lack of experience in life as the reason they sometimes seem like tiny people that just don't think before they do. Its obvious to us that doing this or that will lead to getting hurt or break some thing, but we know that just because we learned it by experience or observation. But it was obvious to me by 2-3 that she is probably smarter than me and has a good memory. Of course that is unless she thinks remembering something like "How did that get broken" might get her in trouble.
But she immediately got the message and decided that Pocahontas would approve of Depeche Mode's idea that we should all get along. God help us when she figures out that she is smarter than us...oh that's right, they call that being a teenager. I might have a few more years of being her hero at everything.
I suppose when that wears off it will be time to let her Mom take over the "child manger" duties.